- Class conflict
- Social conflict
- Cultural conflict
- Physical conflict
- Internal conflict
- Interpersonal conflict
- Avoiding conflict
Once you have identified the conflict occurring in the text, present some general thoughts you hold about that type of conflict. Explain why you think the way you do. Use a hyperlink to showcase an example of media that also addresses this type of conflict in some way, e.g.,
Racism has been an endemic part of social conflict over the centuries. In The Secret River racist attitudes some settlers held towards the native Aboriginal people are often highlighted. Tensions between these groups are described brutally in the text, 'The burden hanging there was ... the body of a black man. Puffy flesh bulged around the rope under his armpits, the head lolled. The face was unregognisable as a face, the only thing clear the yellow ear of corn stuck between the pink sponge that had been lips'.
Such a scene is reminiscent of the history of the American south where the Klu Klux Klan have perpetrated horrendous treatment towards people of other races. An interesting segment appeared on the Sunrise morning show this morning with links to this topic. Mel and Koshie interviewed the Klu Klux Klan's biggest enemy, a reformed member who now preaches tolerance to others. View the interview by clicking on the picture below.
When you have finished composing your post spend some time viewing and adding comments to others' perspectives.