Physical Conflict occurs everyday in most corners of the world. Even as we speak the war on terror in the middle is east is one of the most drawn out battles of the modern era. This war has lasted for almost 9 years, due to attacks on America in 2001 by terrorist groups, and still today in 2010 does this war continue to take control of life in the middle east. In The Secret River physical conflict is quite apparent in different stages of the book. Many different examples of physical conflict occur between the characters such as “Fields were set on fire, huts were burned down, and spears were flung at men without their reaping-hooks”. Also “The attack on the Webs was one of many outrages and depredations that March of 1814”.
These events are much like those of the Vietnam War where many American soldiers burnt and raided the huts and villages of those native to Vietnam. They would burn these communities to the ground and treat the native as if they were something from the gutter, pouring various chemicals of pain and destruction towards the villages of North Vietnam and their people.
A fascinating article appeared in The Washington Post which contained comments and experiences of some of the Vietnamese affected still currently hold on America and their involvement in the war. It explains what some of the people who were affected as children; continue to feel pain and suffering due to the physical conflict in the war.
Also, view the story of Phan Thi Kim Phuc at this site
How will war impact on these childrens' futures?
By Nick
The images and discussion at Brian Howell's Flickr page,, are worth taking time to look at. The story of Phan Thi Kim Phuc is told from an insightful and meaningful perspective that highlights why the study of our Context, encountering conflict, is so important.